Sunday 1 March 2015

Sri Lanka: The Pearl of The Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is an island country near the south-east of India in South Asia. The Capital & Largest city is Colombo. The Currency is Sri Lankan rupee (LKR).

Some interesting facts are:
1. In the 6th century B.C, Prince Vijaya was driven away from his reign in India, sailed to Sri Lanka and became Sri Lanka’s first king,

2. Sri Lanka has also been called “Teardrop of India” because of its proximity to India and because it is teardrop-shaped. In the very beginning, when Pangea existed, India and Sri Lanka were joined to the island of Madagascar; after wards they drifted northwards and collide against Asia: this is how the Himalayas were born.

3. The national sport of the country is volleyball.

4. Sri Lanka is one of the world’s largest tea exporters.

5. Adam’s Peak is the most sacred mountain in the country. Pilgrims from all over climb to its peak by candlelight to stand in what they believe to be the footsteps of Buddha.

6. 92% of people living in the country are literate which means that they boast the highest literacy rate in the whole of South Asia.

7. Sri Lanka’s national flag is said to be one of the oldest flags in the world.

8. Elephant is the symbol of Sri Lanka.

9. The Sri Lankan stock market is one of the best performing markets in the world.

10. The most common meal in Sri Lanka is a spicy curry served with rice and a small side dish of vegetables.

For more intersting facts visit:

Some beautiful places are:

For tourism deatil visit: @tourismlk & +SrilankaTourism

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